It's very stress!
What I thought things that may be good for me will end up crapped so badly!
Why can't I always acheive my desire when I've paid all those hardwork in to it and it all end up nothing!
When is the day for me to be a successor?
Where is my future? It seems to be so unclear, miserable and non-achievable to me.
I'm not good in negotiate.
I sometime can't do things consistently.
I cannot pay very much attention.
I can easily be interrupted.
I can always mix things up and get screw by others.
I'm not a good decision maker.
I have a bad habit to rely on others. Especially on my baby.
I like to think and always worry so much for a certain thing.
I cannot always be confident with my whatever situation.
I cannot cope and bear any difficulty.
Upon all these, I begin to realise how narrow am I in my life. I can't do things successfully, even can't make any good decision for my future sake!
Whatelse im capable of then?